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Re: Modifying /etc/apt/sources.list in postinst ; determining the suite in postinst

On Tue, 03 Apr 2007 19:27:17 +0000
Lars Wirzenius <liw@liw.iki.fi> wrote:

> On ti, 2007-04-03 at 16:28 +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> With regards to Debian Policy, you need to read section 10.7.

That's why I'm changing the existing method (which does simply append
data to /etc/apt/sources.list). The previous hack isn't good.

However, determining the suite from within postinst is my main issue at
the moment.

Is it safe to use `apt-cache policy` ?

> Basically, since sources.list is a configuration file belonging to
> apt, your package may only edit it in postinst if apt provides
> commands for doing so. I don't think apt does that, but I could be
> wrong.

It does have a method: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

I'm going to put a sources file in there which can be purged when the
package is purged.

> With regards to the life of a sysadmin, don't do it.

I can't see sysadmins having to manage many cross-building buildd
machines but I will provide a README.Debian. The Emdebian repository
only stores the cross-building toolchains.

> Provide a README.Debian that tells what needs to be done, and
> possibly provide a command to do it easily.

The package is unusable without the added sources. Providing a
userspace command doesn't ensure that the repository is removed from
the sources list when the package is purged.

The modified package is currently in the Emdebian repository, v0.1.4.


Neil Williams

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