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There's the following problem with the fluxbox package.

The locale in the etch distributive ia already set into UTF-8 as
default. Fluxbox has been maintaining  UTF-8 for a long time. 
 From July in experimental/ there had been  0.9.15version with 
full maintaining of  UTF-8.

But in spite of the sent bug
maintainer shows no sign of life and doesn't pay attention on 
personal messages.

It will be a shame if fluxbox is added into Etch without maintaining of
UTF-8 only because of maintainer's laziness.

What can be done?

I see two variants there:

1. to write a patch for maintaining UTF-8 in that version (i.e. in
testing, but I can do this only for Russian language, and this work 
seems having no future to me)

2. to move fluxbox from  experimental into unstable/testing without
maintainer's taking part in it

The latter variant isn't nice but it is desirable to solve this problem
the sooner the better. 

Please advise what to do.

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