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Re: MTA comparison (postfix, exim4, ...)

Osamu Aoki <osamu@debian.org> wrote:
> After seeing recent post(*) on the default MTA issue, I did some
> research and experiment on MTAs.  They are summarized at:
>  http://wiki.debian.org/DefaultMTA

Although I am identified as running Postfix there, that was installed
as a test a while ago.  Most of my upstream servers (including those
which I control) run Exim and I will probably switch nail back to Exim
on next upgrade.  There are problems with Postfix that I just haven't
figured out and cause me problems:

1. it doesn't seem to have as many anti-spam possibilities as Exim -
there's postgrey for greylisting, but how can I tarpit RBL matches and
other offences?

2. when an email that I'm forwarding (due to /etc/aliases or a
.forward or whatever) comes in, can I start trying to send it straight
out and SMTP-reject it if the remote host doesn't want it?  My only
production postfix server generates some blowback from joe-jobs if
users forward mail to a more restrictive host, which I think is a
serious problem.

I'd love to know if the above are solved problems whose solutions I've
not found.  Otherwise, you may want to discount my appearance on
http://wiki.debian.org/DefaultMTA as that Postfix won't last.

Best wishes,
MJ Ray http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html tel:+44-844-4437-237 -
Webmaster-developer, statistician, sysadmin, online shop builder,
consumer and workers co-operative member http://www.ttllp.co.uk/ -
Writing on koha, debian, sat TV, Kewstoke http://mjr.towers.org.uk/

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