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Plans for gs-esp / gs-gpl / gs-afpl in lenny?

Hi everyone,

recently ghostscript 8.60 was released [1] which is now available under
the GPL.
The features of ESP Ghostscript have been merged into Ghostscript GPL
and the upstream of gs-esp has officially declared gs-esp obsolete [2].

The Debian gs-afpl package has been orphaned some time ago [3].

So, my question is, what the plan is for lenny with regard to all these
different gs-* packages.

AFAIK, Ubuntu has introduced a new package called "ghostscript" (as
successor of gs-gpl) which supersedes gs-esp, gs-gpl and gs-afpl and
provides dummy/transitional packages for gs-esp/gs-gpl which depend on
the ghostscript package to ensure a smooth upgrade.

I CCed the gs-* maintainers, because I'm interested to know if they
intend to go the same route or if they have different plans and also if
there is already a prospective time frame for such a "ghostscript" package.


[1] http://www.ghostscript.com/awki
[2] http://www.cups.org/espgs/articles.php?L463
[3] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=393923

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