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Re: adding desktop files to misc packages

On 25-Jul-07, 13:28 (CDT), Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> wrote: 
> If an application is used so infrequently, it shouldn't have its place
> in a menu.

That turns out not to be the case. If I use an app frequently, then it
goes on the toolbar. The menu is for finding infrequently used apps. For
a lot of users, browsing the menu is how they find out what's available.

No, I'm not arguing every shell, interpeter, or other text app needs a
menu a entry, I agree with you on that.


Steve Greenland
    The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
    system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
    world.       -- seen on the net

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