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Re: New Debian Menu & Apps/Tools

I demand that Eduard Bloch may or may not have written...

> #include <hallo.h>
> * Davide Truffa [Mon, Jul 23 2007, 10:34:53PM]:
>> I was looking at the new menu structure to adopt it into my package,
>> fbpanel[1], that before it was in Apps/Tools.
>> Now this section is been removed and there's nothing else like this.
>> These are the actual sections:
>>  Applications -> Accessibility

> I would not separate "Applications" and "Games" whatsoever. Just throw
> away that additional hierarchy levels and help saving users's hardware
> parts (mice buttons). Just use Applications submenu contents as the
> first level, and Games as another menu among them. [...]

I find that it's fine as it is: it's nice and easy to get to. If you want to
bury 'Games' in that way, fine, but don't inflict it on my desktop.

What would actually be useful is for packages which provide lots of menu
entries to use their own submenus. sgt-puzzles, which provides 27, is one
such; with several other entries in Games/Puzzles, it gets a bit long...

>>  Screen -------> Saving
>>                  Locking
>>  Window Managers
>>  FVWM Modules
>>  Window Maker

> Please put those into some "Configuration" submenu by any means.

I don't see why they belong there. Most of the entries below Screen aren't
configuration at all. The last two probably belong within 'Window Managers',
and I couldn't care less where that ends up (but "Screen" seems reasonable) -
then again, that could be because I never use those submenus... :-)

| Darren Salt    | linux or ds at              | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
|   Let's keep the pound sterling

Life shouldn't be an endless repetition of stale successes.

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