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Improving the visibility of LowThresholdNMU


The LowThresholdNMU wiki page[0] lists maintainers (and packages) for
which NMUs are welcomed. However, in it's current form, it's quite
useless: it's very difficult to check if a given package is
NMU-friendly, since the page is not machine-parseable. Also, since it's
not very useful and visible, it doesn't provide an incentive for
maintainers to add themselves to the list: there are probably some
NMU-friendly maintainers who aren't in that list.

[0] http://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu

I think that we should improve that:

(1) the list should move to a text file in a VCS. For example, we could
use a special directory in the collab-maint alioth project, or simply a
repository writable by all DDs on svn.d.o. This would improve the way
history is kept too.

(2) the list should be machine-readable. We could use the following
  maintainer_email [!]package1, [!]package2, [!]package3
So we would simply list which packages are NMU-friendly, and use a
special package '*' to indicate that all packages are NMU-friendly. '!'
would indicate that a package has to be excluded from the list.
  joe@debian.org *, !bash, !dash
means that all of joe's packages are NMU-friendly, except bash and dash.
This format could be extended later: we could use regexps, and maybe add
comments, like:
  joe@debian.org *, !/lib.*-perl$/ [those are team-maintained, please
talk with the pkg-perl team], bash [only for important & RC issues]

(3) make the state visible on the PTS (see #429883). For each package,
we could have an icon indicating if the package is NMU-friendly or not.
All packages would have an icon, so having the "NMU-hostile" icon by
default could help maintainers remember to add themselves to the list.


Is anyone interested in working on that? I will have problems finding
the time in the near future.
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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