Re: Installation Desktop Option.
Qui, 2007-04-26 às 19:37 +0930, Stef Daniels escreveu:
> Hi again,
> On 26/04/07, Luis Matos <> wrote:
> > i think you should read the 'fine' instalation manual where it says that
> > you can select the desktop at boot prompt
> Yes the doc's are great and well done, however, the "install" methods
> making it more streamline with choices, or are we wanting an install
> in 3 clicks or under?
yes but the installer only hs options for the ones that are possible in
the first cd ( the full first cd).
This is going to change, i believe, in tasksel for lenny, with
information about what is on the cd and what you have to download.
> I 'personally' feel as part of the installation process, the clear
> option of which Desktop Manager you would like (something similar to
> what SUSE has). With perhaps making it part of the GTK Debian
> Installer.
> I am aware of the boot options, the various selections and ways to get
> around gnome to kde, however, I feel that we can achieve in making
> something better, why not try it Or see what people think.
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