Re: Bug#420165: ITP: commons-configuration -- Java based library providing a generic configuration interface
On 4/22/07, Marcus Better <> wrote:
Torsten Werner wrote:
> I call the binary package
> libcommons-configuration-java but not the source package.
This is one of the two conventions used by the Java packaging team (and IMHO
the best option), cf. commons-logging and commons-daemon packages. The
other common option is to name both source and binary packages
Please, see
Also, Torsten, why don't you join the pkg-java maintainer team? I see
you intent to package some java libs and apps, it'd be good to follow
our recommendations and why not join the team?
About the name of the lib, it's strange you seem not to know that
pkg-java already package nearly all the jakarta-commons package under
the name libcommons-XXX-java (beanutils, io, lang, net, httpclient,
daemon, logging, pool, dbcp, cli, codec, collections, digester,
discovery, el, fileupload, jexl, jxpath, launcher, modeler, validator,
sorry if I forgot one).
I strongly recommend that the Jakarta commons package be maintained by
Arnaud Vandyck
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