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Re: co-mentor for a GSoC proposal wanted: debbugs web submission

Le jeudi 15 mars 2007 à 16:49 -0700, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> HTTP doesn't give you a callback mechanism, so you need to be able to tie
> the web submission back to an email address.
> You want to avoid joe-jobbing, so you require registration in advance of
> allowing bug submissions.
> Now you've reimplemented bugzilla, congratulations; and it's still inferior
> to reportbug because the website can't automatically gather information
> about the package status on your system when you submit a bug.

This is true for the initial report. But you also gain something
bugzilla has and reportbug doesn't: you can crawl on the website, find
an interesting bug, and direclty add some comments.

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