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Re: Getting rid of circular dependencies, stage 4

Le Mer 10 Mai 2006 17:01, Mike Bird a écrit :
> On Wednesday 10 May 2006 01:24, Bill Allombert wrote:
> > gjdoc kaffe kaffe-jthreads kaffe-pthreads
> > http://debian.semistable.com/dot/kaffe-pthreads_stable.png
> Can someone point me to an explanation for this (Etch)?
> gjdoc depends on kaffe.  But kaffe-pthreads provides kaffe.

which makes the look gjdoc <-> kaffee-pthreads because kaffee-?threads 
depends upon gjdoc.

> Why then is it necessary to install kaffe as well as kaffe-pthreads?

why do kaffe-[pj]threads depends upon gjdoc ? isn't a recommends 
enough ?

given its description, it looks like a developpement tool, and I don't 
get why it's needed just for running java apps, I even don't really 
understand why it should even *suggest* it.

IMHO kaffe-dev should depends upon gjdoc, because it makes sense, but 
not kaffee (or it's threaded implementations).
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                madcoder@debian.org
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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