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Re: the BTS gains a remote bug tracking feature for free !

Le Mer 3 Mai 2006 14:02, Alexander Sack a écrit :
> Anyway, I would have preferred to roll this out in a different
> fashion: 
>  1. release it as a package so all maintainers can use the tool if
>  they like.

I intended it like that at the begining. sadly, the tool uses a local 
mirror of the debbugs .summary files (takes 450Mb of disk) + some 
specific things.

The project bts-link inherited from had this approach, but it meant 
that: usertags were user specified (so to see gnome remote bugs status 
you would have to guess which user they chose, and then again for kde 
crew, ...)

>  2. if this shows that indeed it works as expected, launch a central
>  service one can opt-in.

Sure, if one maintainer is too bothered, I can deactivate the bugzilla 
from his upstream, and he won't be disturbed at all. I expect some 
small rant, but mostly, when you "forward" a bug, it's because you 
don't have the time/power/... to fix it, so you usually are *really* 
happy if someones helps you in triaging. I do not touch any other kind 
of bugs *AT ALL*.

and soon, control processings will be archived on 
bts-link-upstream@lists.alioth.debian.org, so that you can grep easily 
what it did to your package. I also have the logs. So I'll even revert 
spurious changes myself if needed, to avoid any loss of time for the 

I agree with your remark, and it's also how I wanted to do things in the 
first place, but that would only have delayed the tool achievement, 
with no real gain in QA. So it appeared (and still does) to be 
acceptable the way I did.

·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                madcoder@debian.org
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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