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Re: No Config-Files state even though postrm purge failed while purging an installed package?

On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 12:52:05AM +0200, shaulka@012.net.il wrote:
>   http://women.debian.org/wiki/English/MaintainerScripts states, 
> while discussing the purging of a fully installed package 
> ("Removing and Purging", Removal+Purge of foo (Installed)), that

>    there's no way that the package might end-up
>    in a Config files state, even if "postrm purge" fails.

>   It also shows a figure which is hopefully similar to the following one:
> (I do hope the ascii figure will be displayed the way I wanted it to.)

>                Removal+Purge of foo (Installed)

>   +------------+FAILED    +---------------------+FAILED
>   |prerm remove|--------->|postinst abort-remove|-------+
>   +------------+          +---------------------+       |
>         |OK                            |OK              |
>         |                              |                |
>         |Files are deleted             |                |
>         V                              |"Installed"     |
>  +-------------+FAILED                 |                |
>  |postrm remove|-------------------+   |                |
>  +-------------+                   |   |                |
>         |OK                        |   |                |
>         |          "Half-Installed"|   |                |
>         |                          |   |   +------------+
>         |Conffiles are deleted     |   |   |
>         V                          |   |   |"Failed-Config"
>  +------------+FAILED              |   |   |
>  |postrm purge|----------------+   |   |   |
>  +------------+                |   |   |   |
>         |OK                    |   |   |   |
>         |        "Config-Files"|   |   |   |
>         |                      |   |   |   |
>         |Filelist is removed   |   |   |   |
>         |                      |   |   |   |
>         |"Not Installed"       |   |   |   |
>         V                      V   V   V   V
> +---------------+        +-----------------------+
> |Successful exit|        |Exit with error message|
> +---------------+        +-----------------------+

>   It looks to me as if both the figure and policy contradicts
> the statement  from above about "Config-Files" state.
>   What am I missing?

That the statement referred to a bug in the dpkg implementation, which
prevented dpkg from doing a proper error-unwind when dpkg --purge is called
for a package that is in "Installed" state without first calling dpkg
--remove.  This bug has been fixed in newer versions of dpkg, thanks in part
to Marga's work on documenting dpkg behavior.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon@debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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