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Re: Debian architectures, according to popularity-contest

Hello Joey and all you other Debian heroes,

Joey Hess wrote:
"It's interesting to see arm increasing like this. I wonder which new arm
systems are responsible?"

It's likely that the TS-7300 is an ARM embedded computer quickly growing in popularity.  I suggest this because the TS-7300 (and similar, past Technologic Systems products) seems to be the only Debian-compatible ARM computer that has ads for it in Linux Journal on a regular basis. 

After a couple months tinkering with one of these (with the goal of getting a working desktop), I've posted some juicy, straight-up technical info about the TS-7300 here:


Also see desktop screenshot and other pix of my TS-7300 (dig the cheesy, tiny cardboard case I made with penguins on it) here:

Dustin Harriman

My Blog:
RSS Feed: http://ca.blog.360.yahoo.com/rss-RkGSoVA1brWtXrVH9Gr5CzgVujwwGg--?cq=1
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