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Re: Hello and request for sponsor (DomainKeys packages)

On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 01:13:18PM +0200, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> Greetings, official and unofficial Debian developers!
> So, what do you think, and is anyone willing to sponsor these tiny packages?
Hi Magnus,
Welcome to Debian!
Here are a few notes:
1. you can create debian packages and host them on your site
2. you can join the debian-mentors mailing list for help with debian packageing
issues and they can host packages
3. you can try to look for a sponsor for your packages(you did that)
4. you can join the new maintainer process if you want to become part of Debian
as a Developer and then eventually upload packages yourself
5. you can join #debian for general packaging help or #debian-devel for more debian
specific packaging help on irc
6. read http://planet.debian.org (they sometimes post packaging related things)
7. check out the debian policy manual and other things in http://www.debian.org/devel
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