/usr/share and -common pkgs
-common packages are used to reduce the size of the archive; arch
independant data need not be included in each of the 10+ arch-specific
binary packages; only one package is needed.
As expected, most of the contents of the -common packages are in
time zgrep -Ff <(apt-cache search -n -- -common |sed -ne 's/[^a-z0-9.+-].*//; s/^/\//; /-common/p') /home/pryzbyj/conflict/Contents-i386.gz |grep -Eo '^(usr/)?[^/]*' |uniq -c |sort -nr
46366 usr/share
3319 usr/lib
586 etc
298 var
165 usr/bin
133 usr/include
83 usr/sbin
6 sbin
3 usr/games
3 usr/X11R6
The LFS intent of separating /usr/share and /usr/lib is to allow a
filesever to export /usr/share to machines of *any* architecture
running the same OS (/usr is supposed to be sharable to machines of
the *same* arch). But this is considerably complicated by the fact
that many packages *depend* on their -common data (90), or the other
way around (20); some both (12) [out of 271]:
apt-cache search -n -- -common |sed -ne 's/[^a-z0-9.+-].*//; h;G; s/\n/ /; s/-common//p;' |while read p q; do r=`apt-cache show $q 2>/dev/null || continue`; grep -q "^Depends:.* $p[ (,]" <<<"$r" || continue; echo $p; done
Twiddle the p's and q's and second || to && to taste.
Years ago I asked Zed Pobre about this, and he said that the arch and
indep packages should recommend each other; in the typical case, they
should both be installed; in the fileserver case, only arch is
installed on the clients; only indep on the server.
Is this recommendation widely accepted, or just for cases where
likeliness of using a fileserver is relatively high? Should policy
make a recommendation^W^W^W^Wbugs be filed? If not, what is the
suggested way to run such a fileserver setup for these packages?
Please Cc: me.
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