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Re: Bug#353277: ndiswrapper in main (was: Bug#353277: should be in contrib)

Am 2006-02-19 00:44:29, schrieb Josselin Mouette:

> I wonder why all people go on trying to build up tons of different
> fallacious reasonings to keep firmwares in main. Non-free is here for a
> reason, we just have to use it. Technical solutions to have the driver
> in the kernel or in contrib, and the firmware in non-free, exist.

If I have a hardware which comes with a CD/DVD/Floppy with the firmware
and there is a free firmware loader but it must stay in contrib it will
not realy productiv.  It is a big disavantage.

I think, programs and packages which help to use firmware and drivers
for hardware, where the firmware and drivers can be obtained from the
ORIGINAL media shiped with the hardware should stay in "main"  because
Debian has nothing to do with shiping of firmware and drivers.  It is
generaly the responsability of the hardware manufacturers.

In general:     1)      Debian should provide FREE (GPLed) wraper
                        and firmware (userspace) loader.
                2)      drop non-free because it stress Debian.

Oh yes, I read often that $USER glame the Linux-Community not to ship
Drivers!!!  -  Arghhh!!!

I know tonns of Hwardware, where I have NO drivers or software in
Winblow and I need the, from the hardware manufactirer provided
DriverCD.  -  So why should Debian care about firmware and drivers?

We can provide wraper and loaders and thats is.

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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