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Re: Amendment to GR on GFDL, and the changes to the Social Contract

md@Linux.IT (Marco d'Itri) writes:

> On Feb 10, Thomas Bushnell BSG <tb@becket.net> wrote:
>> Surely it does.  People who say "I was deceived; and I didn't bother
>> to take elementary steps to avoid deception" have chosen to be
>> deceived.

> Well, at least now you agree that the GR title was deceiptful.

No, I do not agree.  I have said nothing of the kind.

>> Were you "deceived" by the 2003 amendment?  
> No, because the second time I received the ballot I had time to waste
> and spent it reading the proposed changes. But just by reading the
> subject I would have believed too that these were trivial changes, just
> like in the precedent GR.

Then why did you not alert people to the "deception"?  Surely you
realized how dangerous it was, voted against it, and warned other
people of this "deception", right?


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