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Re: Pre-Depends for Xorg 7.0

Russ Allbery wrote:
> Here's a list of packages that install binaries into /usr/X11R6/bin and
> don't have lintian overrides for it.  In spot checks, about a quarter of
> these packages use imake.  And that's just the packages with binaries;
> there are a number of other packages that don't install binaries but that
> still use imake (I happen to maintain one of them, a font package).
Well, let's see what the scope of imake in the /usr/X11R6/bin issue 
specifically is.  (The fonts issue seems to be more of an issue.)  Actually, 
it seems that there are an even larger percentage than you thought.  So I was 
very wrong.  Sigh.

Imake is considered dead-except-for-routine-maintenance upstream as far as I 
can tell, so best practice would be to migrate away from it.  Unless someone 
plans to adopt it.

Doing some sorting of this list, I find that these originate from
Xorg, so will no longer use Imake:
> lbxproxy
> proxymngr
> twm
> xbase-clients
> xdm
> xdmx
> xfs
> xfwp
> xnest
> xserver-common
> xserver-xorg
> xutils
> xvfb

These don't build-depend on xutils (so either they don't use imake or they 
have a serious missing Build-Depends bug):
> buici-clock
> emelfm
> fte-xwindow
> fvwm95
(fvwm95 is desperately obsolete software which should really be removed 
> gerstensaft
> gipsc
> gradio
> hamsoft
> ibp
> lm-batmon
> lsb-core
> pgaccess
Orphaned, QA.
> ppxp
> ppxp-x11
> qcam
> tkdesk
> twlog
> videogen
> wmcpu
> wmscope
> xclips
> xdkcal
> xgdipc
> xlockmore
> xlockmore-gl
> xvkbd
> yank

This leaves a list of possible Imake users.  I went through these by hand, and 
most of them did use Imake.

Probable non-imake users:
> hanterm-classic
> hanterm-xf
(These two appear to have both Imake and configure/Make build systems, but the 
latter is used.)

Definite imake users:
> bugsx
> ctwm
-- should be straightforward to convert, by copying configury from twm, of
which it is a fork
> isdnutils-xtools
> ivtools-bin
> ivtools-dev
ivtools: severely out of date and busted packages, with a particularly insane 
configuration and build system.
> kdrill
> kinput2-canna (source kinput2)
> kinput2-canna-wnn (source kinput2)
> kinput2-wnn (source kinput2)
> kterm
-- should be trivial to convert, by copying configury from xterm, of which it 
is a fork
> lwm
> olvwm (source xview)
> olwm (source xview)
> mctools-lite
> mgp 
> oneko
-- very simple Imakefile, should be an easy conversion
> pixmap
> plotmtv
> seyon
> skkinput
> vtwm
> wmavgload
> wmdate
> wmnet
> xautolock
> xbatt
> xbattbar
> xcal
> xcalendar-i18n
> xcb
> xclip
> xdu
> xengine
> xfaces
-- has an alternate "noimake" Makefile
> xfishtank
> xfm
> xinput
> xipmsg
> xlbiff
> xli
> xmeter
> xmix
> xmon
> xpostit
> xrn
> xsysinfo
-- orphaned, QA.
> xtel
> xtoolwait
> xtrlock
-- has a 'noimake' Makefile
> xview-clients (source xview)
> xviewg (source xview)
> xviewg-dev (source xview)
> xxkb
> xzoom

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