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Am 2005-12-06 09:53:43, schrieb Ivan Adams:
> Hi again,
> in my case:
> I have slow internet connection. BUT I have friends with the same
> connection
> in my local area network, who have apt-proxy.
> My goal is: When I need to install new system (Debian) on new user, or
> dist-upgrade on entire system, I need the unstable packets from site.
> In
> this case I need to wait some HOURS. If apt have *PARALLELISM* , I
> could
> use  my connection and at the same time the connections of apt-proxy.
> In that case I will download the packets twice (or more) faster.


Do you have two Dial-In line?
    1)  You => Internet => Debian-Server
    2)  You => your friends apt-proxy


If it goes the same connection, then it will no benefit.
I have tried around 40 Debian Mirrors and no one give me
less then 8 MBit which is my ADSL in France.

You can have only an avantage, if YOU run the apt-proxy for
your own network and you install more then one machine.

On the other hand you can mirror a Debian site (which I do
because I am installing/upgrading 5-20 Machines per week)

> Thank you!
> Best regards


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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