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Re: ftp-master, ftp and db .debian.org moving - hosting sought

On 7/4/05, Goswin von Brederlow <brederlo@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
> Olaf van der Spek <olafvdspek@gmail.com> writes:
> > I'm not sure how exactly the current mirrors work, but syncing
> > (primary) mirrors between eachother instead of all from a master may
> > be an idea.
> Mirrors are stacked in a tree (and even graph for some that use
> fallbacks) and pushes travel along the mirror network down this
> tree. The Mirrors.masterlist (apt-get source base-config) file
> contains a line where a mirror updates from.

I assume there's a single root. How much children does that root have?
> But BT has limitations. Esspecialy with the number of files to


> share. A tracker that coordinates a full debian mirror would have to
> be insanely huge. Also P2P tend to ignore the geography of the
> network. It is much better to download debs from one local mirror than
> connect all over the world to countless users.

True. But for example, is the current apt-get capable of contacting
another mirror if and only if the primary fails?

> One thing that might be intresting though is replacing mirrors with
> smart caches. Act like a proxy with prefetching for commonly used
> packages.

Another thing I was thinking about would be to easily and securly use
other systems on your LAN (or inside your ISP) as mirrors without it
costing extra storage or requiring extra trust.

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