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Re: Debian based GNU/Solaris: pilot program

On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 09:32:49PM -0700, Alejandro Bonilla Beeche wrote:
> I don't know if Alex works for Sun, but in anyway, he has the freedom 
> and option to express himself as he wishes. Your comments, only bring FUD.

So I do *not* have the freedom and option to express myself as I wish?
Interesting.  However, you pass adverse comment on my adverse comment on
Alex's post, and that is (apparently) acceptable.

Well, I pass adverse comment on your adverse comment of my adverse comment,
and I look forward to your adverse comment on my adverse comment on your
adverse comment on my adverse comment about Alex's post.

BTW, FUD does actually have a distinct meaning, it's not some catchall for

- Matt

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