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Re: curl situation is intolerable

  [Olaf van der Spek]
> > I thought that if the interface matches the user can link whatever
> > he wants, because he doesn't (re)distribute the results.

[Steve Langasek]
> There isn't universal agreement on this point, and it's never
> actually been tested in court.

There isn't?  I thought this has been standard GPL lore for a very long
time - if you link to an *interface* which has a GPL-compliant
implementation, it does not matter if you also are incidentally runtime-
compatible with a non-GPL-compatible implementation.

Some have argued back and forth about how useful or bug-free the
GPL-compliant implementation must be before it "counts", but that seems
not to be an issue here - both SSL backends are said to be functional,
if not 100% feature- and bug-equivalent.

From a common-sense standpoint, it's pretty hard to argue that some
software is "derived" from openssl if any user could run the same
binary with only gnutls on his system.

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