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"security-updates" for unstable based on DSA

Hi DDs,

If there is more appropriate mailing list than this one - please kick

The idea is -- in "cron-apt"-like fasion track posts on DSA, parse them
for the source package name and appropriate version in unstable where
bug is resolved, and then upgrade/report corresponding packages.

Also I've tried to gain similar effect
with apt-listbugs and apt-show-source

apt-listbugs -s critical -T security  list `apt-show-source | grep -v -e 'not installed' -e '--------------' -e 'Version'  | awk '{print $4;}' | grep -v '^[() ]*$'| sort | uniq`

but listbugs is a bit too noisy for figuring out what really needs/can
be upgraded.

Any ideas/comments?

=------------------------------   /v\  ----------------------------=
Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)onerussian.com
Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
                   Linux User    ^^-^^    [175555]

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