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Re: Where to put XML Application Files in UNIX File Hierarchy?

Christian Heller wrote:
Dear Debian Developers,

we are planning to update our CYBOP Debian packages. CYBOP contains
the XML-based language CYBOL and its interpreter CYBOI, written in C:
CYBOL applications are pure XML; binaries do not exist.
They are run "live" by CYBOI, which interprets them.
In other words, CYBOL files are the source + executable + configuration
of an application, at the same time, all in one.

My questions:

1 Where best to place CYBOL application files in the UNIX file hierarchy?
I thought about /usr/share, but may be /usr/lib suits better or what else?

2 What about CYBOL libraries (containing graphical components, for example)?
They are pure XML, too. To /usr/lib or better to /usr/share?

If the apps & libraries are pure XML (and hence arch-independent), our current policy[1] suggests that you put them in /usr/share/xml/cybol or /usr/share/xml/CYBOL.

Hope that helps...


[1] Working draft XML policy: http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org/xml-policy

Links: http://www.cybop.net/ http://cybop.berlios.de/
Please put my email address to your reply; I'm not in the list.

Thanks in advance for your comments,

Mark Johnson      <mrj@debian.org>
Debian XML/SGML:  <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page:        <http://linux.duke.edu/~mark/>
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