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Re: Is Ubuntu a debian derivative or is it a fork?

Hello Peter, hi everybody else,

Am Mittwoch, den 01.06.2005, 14:08 +0200 schrieb Peter Van Eynde:
> A message like this makes you the perfect victim :-) for my question:
> what should a debian maintainer do to have his or her packages in
> universe in a good shape? I'm even willing to build the packages
> myself, but I fail to see how the pieces fit together. Where do
> universe bugs go? Who decides which version goes into universe? What
> do to with my packages that cannot be 'source only' like cmucl?

Wow, that's a lot of questions at once. I want to put the highest
emphasis on collaboration. COLLABORATION! :)

Ideally, people should find together, form teams and discuss the
appropriate packaging and consider all the problems and circumstances.
An agreement should always be possible.

If there's branding or distro-specific changes involved, separated
patches should be no problem.

Universe bugs go to http://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone - our
next-generation bug tracking tool, which will rock absolutely once it's
ready and serve as a meta bugtracker, capable of watching bugs' progress
in different distros. It's in development and the Ubuntu Universe
component is the current stress tester.

About the "source only" question, I have to pass the question to someone
more experienced, I'm not quite sure, how we handle this. Matt Zimmerman
maybe can answer this.

> The fact that the MOTS seem to place a high importance on IRC, which I
> cannot use at work, and the wiki seems a little off-putting.

I think mailing should work fine, the guys on
ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com will surely point you to an appropriate

Are there any team initiatives you (all) can think of?

Have a nice day,

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