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Debian kernels

The current Debian kernels have SE Linux compiled in, but not in a form that 
is usable.

The option CONFIG_AUDIT needs to be enabled to allow SE Linux access denials 
to be logged, without this it is impossible to use SE Linux.  While making 
such changes enabling the option CONFIG_AUDITSYSCALL would be useful, this 
enables auditing of the system calls performed by applications.  Using this 
requires the auditd package to be installed (*).


There is also a patch to 2.6.11 that changes the checks for executable memory 
which is needed to make a Debian SE Linux system usable.  It's available at 
the above URL and should be in 2.6.12.  It would be good if this patch could 
be included into a Debian 2.6.11 kernel package to enable testing and 
development of SE Linux on Debian.

(*) I don't have time to take on another package at the moment.  But I would 
be happy to help someone who wants to package auditd.

http://www.coker.com.au/selinux/   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages
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