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Re: mplayer, the time has come

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 10:19:37AM +0100, A Mennucc wrote:
> Sebastien NOEL wrote:

> >I have some questions about your package:
> >*   You build libavcodec and libavformat but that seems to me a waste of 
> >time.
> >   FFmpeg is already in main, why not only link mplayer with
> >   libavcodec.a (libavcodec-dev) and libavformat.a (libavformat-dev) ?

> choice of  upstream : AFAICR  a monolithic 'mplayer' improves performances

You've missed the point. If you use the libavcodec-dev and
libavformat-dev packages in Debian, you _get_ a monolithic
mplayer. Those packages only contain the static libraries,
which are linked in at compile time, since the packager has
chosen to not produce dynamic libraries for these two libraries
(for a different reason, I suspect, to do with the fluidity of
the libraries' APIs)

And even if libav{codec,format} had shared libraries in Debian,
the static versions in the -dev could be linked in, and I
understand that's the default way mplayer's configure script
accesses external libav{codec,format}.

If you use the ones in Debian, that's one less thing people
need to recompile to rebuild mplayer, like using external
libflac, libsdl etc, and it's easier to rebuild a local
mplayer with the latest lib{avcodec,format} versions, assuming
the packager of those is tracking CVS closely.

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, MCSE
8th year CompSci/Asian Studies student, ANU
The Boss, Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)

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