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Re: printing Russian in mozilla based applications

CCing apropriate package maintainers..

>>Sergey V. Spiridonov wrote:
>>> I want to make mozilla-* (firefox, thunderbird) Debian packages
>>> print Russian text out of the box.

Andreas Metzler wrote:
Have you tried xprint? (of course the xorg variant)
Thank you very much for an idea. I tried and got some positive results.

after exporting

$ export XPSERVERLIST="`/bin/sh /etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`"

mozilla-firefox and thunderbird showed my CUPS printer and two
additional virtual printers (ps and pdf). After some tuning of Xprt from
package xprt-xprintorg, I was able to print Russian web pages. Printing
directly to pcl printer works nice. Printing to pdf file works (I can
see Russian  with xpdf), but when I try to print the resulting PDF file,
spaces between words were lost. Printing to postscript file produces
broken file.

Unfortunately, mozilla+gtk based browsers epiphany and galeon were not
able to print using Xprt (at least they did not display Xprt printer as
mozilla-firefox). So, epiphany and galeon browsers are not able to print
Russian. Probably they are not able to print anything outside latin1 - I do not check it.

Printing Rusian pages without Xprt does not work. As far as I
understand, the problem in "standard" approach is that the code which is
used for printing, assumes falsely that standard postscript fonts such
as Courier, Times and Helvetica contain Russian letters. I have no idea,
how Xprt resolves this problem, but it works.

To make possible printing Russian from mozilla* packages one should have
running and configured xprt daemon and exported variable XPSERVERLIST.

Printing Russian from galeon and epiphany does not work at all.
Best regards, Sergey Spiridonov

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