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Re: Filing bugs with upstream

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, Mike Mestnik wrote:
> 1. Most upstreams has stated vary plainly that there software is NOT
> FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  I think this includes, but is not
> limited to, being used in any way by Debian.  This would imply that
> the Debian community can ask nothing of them, YMMV.

It's always appropriate to ask upstream to help fix bugs in their own
software. It's not appropriate to demand or expect that they actually
fix said bugs, though.
> 2. The Debian Social Contract implies, at the vary least, that
> Debian Maintainers are not afforded this luxury.

Debian Maintainers also have this luxury, as they are as much a set of
volunteers as the upstream developers are. Obviously, the Maintainers
should be cognizant of the needs of their users, but nothing in the SC
can coerce them into working on bugs that they aren't interested in
(or aren't capable of) fixing. [See the wontfix and help tags if you
doubt this for some reason.]

Don Armstrong

N: Why should I believe that?"
B: Because it's a fact."
N: Fact?"
B: F, A, C, T... fact"
N: So you're saying that I should believe it because it's true. 
   That's your argument?
B: It IS true.
-- "Ploy" http://www.mediacampaign.org/multimedia/Ploy.MPG

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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