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Re: apt-move vs apt-ftparchive

Re: Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi in <[🔎] 20041119174422.GA7995@pooh>
>  I have always thinking about apt-move that I should look into it in
> more detail. Just did, and my question if apt-move can work on local
> packages or not; ie I have my own packages, dropped into the same dir,
> but I would like to sort them to dirs/subdirs in the Debian way. Can it
> be done, or am I right that it is a mirror utility of the official
> archive instead? So I bet I have to use apt-ftparchive instead.

Iirc, apt-move needs Packages files to decide in which distribution to
put a package (if you are using several w/ apt-pinning). Letting it
assume the default should work, but I'd use something like
apt-ftparchive nonetheless, especially if you want to export that
repository to the web.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

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