Strange [xgk]dm behaviour in Sarge
I am experiencing a strange behaviour of [xgk]dm in Sarge on one
particular machine, which was upgraded from Woody to Sarge:
When I log in on a text console and start X using startx,
everything works fine. When I log in as root and use
"/etc/init.d/xdm start" or "/etc/init.d/kdm start", xdm/kdm starts,
the mouse works and I can select menus in kdm, but the keyboard is
completely dead. NumLock cannot be toggled, console switching is
not possible and also zapping the X-server with CTRL-ALT-BS does
not work. Entering username and password does not work as well :-).
When I start gdm from a text console via "/etc/init.d/gdm start",
the keyboard works as expected. If I start it automatically on
bootup from /etc/rc2.d/S99gdm, the keyboard is dead as with xdm and
I have tested several Sarge installs on other systems and none of
them shows this behaviour. The other systems are plain Sarge
installs though, not upgraded from Woody.
/var/log/XFree86.0.log does not show anything unsusal.
Does anybody have an idea what could be the reason for this strange
behaviour? What would be the correct package to report a bug
against? XFree86?
The machine is a "normal" PC, AMD Duron on an Elitegroup K7S5a,
graphics card is an ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF, the keyboard is
a normal PS/2 one. Exchanging the keyboard for another one does
not change the behaviour.
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