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Re: installing TCP programs when RPC programs are running

On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 01:31:24AM +0200, Lo?c Minier wrote:
>  This causes random errors -- like on my system -- when a RPC service is
>  already listening and you install a program which should listen on a
>  standard port.

>  I see no obvious solution to this:
>  - you can't know in advance which port will be needed when new packages
>    are intalled,
>  - you can't move a RPC service to another port when you notice you need
>    it.
>  The best option would be for RPC services to ue a "port pool", not
>  overlapping standard ports, but this might be impossible.

Yes, sunrpc sucks. It's wanton consumption of address space is just
one of many ways in which it makes the life of a sysadmin miserable.

Essentially the problem is that there isn't enough space in the
privileged port range left to pull this off. Whatever you pick, odds
are high that *something* uses it as a fixed port number, so sooner or
later it'll break for somebody.

The proper approach would have been for sunrpc to carve out a few
ports exclusively for its own use, but it's a bit late for that now.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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