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Re: Frank Carmickle and Marco Paganini must die

I demand that Russell Coker may or may not have written...

> On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 16:39, Thomas Bushnell BSG <tb@becket.net> wrote:
>> Adam McKenna <adam@flounder.net> writes:
>>> Beats me.  Ask the operators of the dynamic IP blacklists.  Cooperative
>>> ISP's usually make available a list of what they consider their dynamic
>>> IP ranges.
>> So there isn't a way then, is there?
>> Basically the problem is that you can't know how I got assigned my IP
>> address.  *I* know, but *you* don't.  All you can do is guess.  And that
>> guess will be sometimes wrong, right?

> If your address is incorrectly listed as a dial-up address then you can
> contact the people who run the DNSBL services to get that changed.

*Ahem*. Dial-up addresses may be statically allocated.

| Darren Salt   | nr. Ashington, | linux (or ds) at
| woody, sarge, | Northumberland | youmustbejoking
| RISC OS       | Toon Army      | demon co uk
|   Retrocomputing: a PC card in a Risc PC

Disguise your feelings when you put your relatives on the plane for home.

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