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Re: PROPOSAL to serialize cron.{daily,weekly,monthly}

begin  Carlos Sousa <csousa@tvtel.pt> dedi ki:
> On Tue, 07 Sep 2004 21:44:17 +0300 Abdullah Ramazanoglu wrote:
>> Reply-To: Look@My.Sig
> Please *don't* do this! If you don't want direct replies then
> just don't set the "Reply-To:" header.

No problem. I thought it was just a harmless header to hint the correct
mail address to use. I didn't know that there's a convention or netiquette
issue or something concerning that.

>> [...]
>> Well, this defeats 3 legs of my previous case, I guess. Still a leg
>> remains, however. Namely, syncing the behavior of cron with anacron, so it
>> would be a more consistent system, regardless of whether anacron is
>> installed or not.
> The only issue that appears to remain on this topic is, then,
> that in the absence of anacron or other such agents, cron runs
> the .xxxly batches without any concern for possible execution
> overlaps between them (.weekly starting before .daily ends, for
> instance). This could lead to parallell execution of conflicting
> jobs, with unpredictable/wrong/disastrous results.
> Would that summarize it?

I post through usenet so there's a latency difference between me and mail
subscribers. Please see my other post on this issue.

Abdullah        | aramazan@ |
Ramazanoglu     | myrealbox |
________________| D.0.T cöm |__

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