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Re: Depending on kernel >= 2.6

(First of all: Excuse me, I wrongly sent Cc: to
'cherokee@alobbsd.com', where it should be 'cherokee@alobbs.com' - I
will be correcting it in my replies, if possible, do so as well in

Gergely Nagy dijo [Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 06:13:16PM +0200]:
> Why not just make cherokee select at run time, if epoll can be used or
> not? It's not all that hard, and doesn't really have a performance cost
> (see thttpd or thy - both of them decide at run time between
> select/poll/epoll and kqueue (well, not the thy in debian, it's epoll
> support is disabled due to brokenness, but the idea is the same))..

Yes, I do hope upstream likes this idea, as not needing two packages
is way better than needing them :)

> However, if you choose the multiple package solution, adding the info to
> the package description and making the init script choke and scream
> loudly when not running on a 2.6 kernel is the best you can do,
> methinks.

...Or possibly, we could prepare a package with both libraries, and
postinst (depending on the detected kernel) would make a symlink to
one or another, displaying a prominent note. Anyway, I do not like
this too much, as it can lead to brokenness or underperformance... But
it is at least a solution.


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5554-9450
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