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Help for convincing authors of non-DFSG free documentation


a lot of documentation packages got serious bugs filed because of using non-DFSG
free licenses.  I tagged one of my packages (zope-book) "help" at


and I think I should raise this issue here because it might concern others
as well.  The main idea of this request for help is that maintainers of
all these packages which are concerned try all on their own to convince
authors to change their license.  But many of these authors do not really
understand all these DFSG - GFDL issues.  SO why not setting up a web site
which explains the problem clearly for the target audience?

To quote my "call for help":

   According to the bug itself: I'm not a license expert but I would
   try to convince upstream to change their license.  To accomplish this
   it would be great to have a web site explaining clearly the issue
   for the audience of upstream documentation authors and what we
   suggest to solve the problem.  I guess we have some snippets of
   text laying around in mailing list discussions but having it collected
   in some single place well prepared for making it clear to Debian
   outsiders would be very helpful.

Kind regards


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