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Re: Web applications

Kai Hendry, 2004-08-19 12:10:04 +0200 :

> Web applications as packages in Debian suck.

I've read a bit if this thread (not all), and I offer Gforge (and
Sourceforge before that) as an example of a web app Done Right (well,
Done As Right As I Could anyway).  It does:

- database setup (and upgrades when needed);
- virtual host;
- app-specific PHP config (via the Apache config);
- FHS stuff (/var/cache, /var/lib, /usr/share, etc.);
- no prompting for required usernames/passwords (if the Debconf
  priority is set to low, then a password is asked, otherwise a random
  one is generated);
- customisations in /etc;
- themes in separate directories;
- minimal Apache config file edition (just add an Include directive).

It does not do:
- remote database setup (although you could install the
  gforge-db-postgresql package on the remote server);
- usage of php.d or httpd.d;
- choice between vhost and subdirectory (but the Gforge application
  itself doesn't allow that yet).

  If someone starts working on a webapp policy, he/she/they/whoever
may want to have a look at how all that is done.  And I'll gladly
transition to dh_webapp once it's usable :-)

Roland Mas

Seems to me, the only sensible thing is for people to know if they kill a whale,
they've got a dead whale.  -- Adam, in Good Omens (T. Pratchett and N. Gaiman)

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