Re: Debian AMD64 Port - still waiting on ftpmaster
On 2004-07-05 Scott James Remnant <> wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 17:49 -0500, Chris Cheney wrote:
> > The Debian AMD64 port now has more installed packages than even powerpc
> > making it the second most complete port behind i386.[1] The port is
> > still waiting on Scott Remnant to fix dpkg
> Really? Who's he?
> * archtable: Add amd64 support (Christine Cheney).
It is nice that you *immidiately* changed the code in the repository,
but it is still just unreleased code in CVS.
Briefing "Scott Remnant has fixed dpkg in CVS on Jun 22, however the
port is still waiting for packages using the new code to be uploaded."
to "The port is still waiting on Scott Remnant to fix dpkg" might not
be completely correct but as you[1] are also the one who will make the
new upload it reports the major fact correctly, imho.
Last week you gave some rough time-plan on IRC about the dpkg upload
and explained that you had some urgent changes to make to dpkg, but
this did not reach a lot of people, from an outsider's POV it looked
like "Yeah, changed in CVS. And there it rots." A *mail* containing a
status update sent to the respective lists would have helped to avoid
this ugly misunderstanding.
cu and- I know I am bloody patronizing, but the whole issue is
extremely annoying to me. -reas
[1] Obviously you are the most active force in dpkg development
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"
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