Why -rpath is so evil [Re: -rpath and policy?]
martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> writes:
> It doesn't seem to be Debian policy not to use -rpath. I can't find
> a single reference to it in the document.
> Is this intentional?
> --
> Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
> .''`. martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
> : :' : proud Debian developer, admin, and user
> `. `'`
> `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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FYI: I just run across another completly broken build package caused
by rpath:
kaffe on amd64 uses: -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/lib/../lib64
That results in binaries with:
% ldd debian/kaffe-jthreads/usr/lib/kaffe/jthreads/jre/bin/kaffe-bin
libgmp.so.3 => /usr/lib/../lib64/libgmp.so.3 (0x0000002a9566b000)
libjpeg.so.62 => /usr/lib/../lib64/libjpeg.so.62 (0x0000002a957a1000)
and then shlibs fails:
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: could not find any packages for /usr/lib/../lib64/libgmp.so.3 (libgmp.so.3)
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unable to find dependency information for shared library libgmp (soname 3, path /usr/lib/../lib64/libgmp.so.3, dependency field Depends)
and the Package does not Depend on libgmp. Installing kaffe does not
pull in libgmp and kaffe won't run.
Now I have to figure out where libtool screws up (thats what I think
it is).
PS: rpath is evil, all avoid rpath :)
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