Re: kernel maintenance
On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 10:29:52PM -0400, Andres Salomon wrote:
> As I've mentioned to Herbert Xu privately, I believe kernel maintenance
> should be done by a group. I have yet to see an example of group
> maintenance being worse than package maintenance by an individual, and as
> the gnome group has proven, there can be quite an improvement. My suggestion
> is to form an alioth kernel packaging project. I am looking for other
> folks interested in helping maintain the debian kernel.
Me too, but I saw that the first step in this direction (i.e. the debian-kernel ML)
apparently is missing its goal. There are very few messages on it, and
all are users-related. I have the suspect that a general consensus on
kernel-management needs yet to be reached. And honestly I don't know
how, if people who should be interested in this matter do not discuss it
at all...
Francesco P. Lovergine
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