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Re: Problem: 2.6.x and network (e1000 Intel 82546EB)

On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 05:08:23PM +0200, W. Borgert wrote:
> Question: Is there a way to force the system to use a specific
> interface card for eth0?  Something in /etc/modules or
> /etc/network/interfaces?

yes you can use nameif from net-tools, but it does not yet provide a ready
startup script. It can rename the interfaces based on their mac address.
Normally you rename them to something more verbose than etxX like "lan0" or
"dmz0" or something like that.

  (OO)      -- Bernd_Eckenfels@Mörscher_Strasse_8.76185Karlsruhe.de --
 ( .. )      ecki@{inka.de,linux.de,debian.org}  http://www.eckes.org/
  o--o     1024D/E383CD7E  eckes@IRCNet  v:+497211603874  f:+497211603875
(O____O)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

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