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Re: Packages with un usable documentation

* Otto Wyss 

| Shouldn't packages which don't provide any useable information in one of
| these three locations marked as broken with a grave bug?

No, why should it?

| IMO the best way is to have a "man <packagename>" which simply gives
| links and hints to where to look for more information, a man file with
| just a "SEE ALSO" section. Each package which doesn't do this should get
| an important bug.

That's just silly.

| IMO a must in any case is a "/usr/share/doc/<packagename>/README.debian"
| which lists all possible "man ..." of this package. Each package which
| doesn't do this should get an serious bug.

: tfheen@yiwaz ~ > dpkg -L module-init-tools | grep man
[snip list]
: tfheen@yiwaz ~ > 

Please learn to use the tools you have available.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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