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Removal of the old version of horde and imp.


I have a question for you. I'm the maintainer of horde and imp.
These two packages have been superseeded by horde2, imp3 and turba.

What I want your opinion on is if I should still keep this old
(and buggy and unsupported upstream) horde and imp software inside
Debian? The later versions is a LOT better but on the other hand
not trivial to upgrade from imp(2) and horde(1) that I maintain.

Should we keep it, or should it be removed from the archives?


// Ola

PS. Please CC me if possible because I only read debian-devel
once every two weeks or so.

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
/  opal@debian.org                     Annebergsslingan 37      \
|  opal@lysator.liu.se                 654 65 KARLSTAD          |
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30                  +46 (0)70-332 1551       |
|  http://www.opal.dhs.org             UIN/icq: 4912500         |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

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