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Re: Bug#225456: ITP: skdetect -- program to detect the suckit rootkit

Le Mardi 30 Décembre 2003 08:53, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña a écrit :
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 12:39:04AM +0100, Benoit Mortier wrote:
> > * Package name    : skdetect
> (...)
> >   Description     : program to detect the suckit rootkit
> >
> >  skdetect scans the current running system for the suckit rootkit.
> >  The source is based on sk-1.3b.
> >  .
> >  There is two executables skdetect and skdetect.static who is
> >  staticaly compiled
> How is this better than chkrootkit? Shouldn't it be better integrated
> there?  Having small programs with a very limited functionality when
> there is one that people know of that _should_ cover its corner case is
> not good for our users IMHO.

You are right i don't know if it's better than the chkrootkit 
fonctionnality, i ask the the chkrookit maintener to see if we can merge 

maybe the statically linked package could be usefull alone in case of an 
incident ?

OpenSides sprl
Free Software Specialist
Benoit Mortier - Linux Engineer

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