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Re: Linux 2.6.0

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 02:47:19 +0100, Robert Millan
<zeratul2@wanadoo.es> wrote:
>On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 11:31:18PM +0100, GCS wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 10:52:16PM +0100, Robert Millan <zeratul2@wanadoo.es> wrote:
>> >   http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2003/debian-devel-200312/msg01460.html
>>  Forgive me for not reading it over. I just would like to ask if you
>> make a package with -mm1 as well.
>You're forgiven, but yet I'm afraid you'll have to "read over" for the
>details. In short, one of the goals of this package is to provide an
>all-in-one package of Linux that is generic enough to be used in any
>situation, even at the cost of not being sub-arch optimised, or including
>some incompatible features, etc.

Sorry for never having looked more closely on your package, but I
recall that you intended to use dpatch, which would make it possible
to simply drop the vanilla -mm patch into an unpacked source package
and compile, with the patch automatically being applied.

Did you drop that design goal, or did I grossly misunderstand?


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