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Re: Automating of localizations

Alastair McKinstry dijo [Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 01:47:38PM +0000]:
> >Ok... I will at least do my part... But, I agree, this deserves a
> >Debconf dialog - it is the only sane way I think of. I think that
> >adding a third specifier (i.e. es_MX_MX, es_MX_HR, es_MX_TJ, etc.)
> >would be too little standard. Besides, we would have to come up with a
> >way to unpredictably mix es_MX_TJ and en_MX_TJ, as in the border
> >cities in general (Tijuana [TJ] would be the most prominent example)
> >half of what is said is said in English ;-)
> >
> >Greetings,
> I agree with the optional "third specifier". Something like this
> already exists: according to the standard (I can send ptrs later, from home),
> you can add modifiers, so instead of
> es_MX_TJ, you would do es_MX@TJ.  There is no standard for
> _what_ the modifiers are, IIRC.
> If we add support, I recommend we use ISO-639-3 codes: these
> are subdivision codes defined for regions in countries.
> e.g. in france, departements, in Ireland, counties, in 
> Germany, Land (spelling?).
> We could add support to check for the subdivision, and 
> use that to pick a better default; eg in the US, its hard to
> pick a default timezone for the US as a whole, but more
> straightforward for a given State (which is what is used for
> the ISO-639-3 subvision in the US).

Ummm... I doubt ISO-639-3 is the proper answer for this - It only
specifies languages, not even countries, even less regions [1]. 

I peeked around a little bit on the libc6 package - it includes the
timezones information in /usr/share/zoneinfo. Inside this directory
hierarchy, the only files that are not timezone data (and can thus
help us organize the 1609 files that _are_ timezone data) are
iso3166.tab and zone.tab. iso3166.tab contains (obviously) the
ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country codes - the names for 262 countries or
geographic entities (i.e., 'UM' for 'US minor outlying islands'). 

The other file will be much more useful for us: It contains -organized
by country- the names of the timezones, an explanation for that name,
and the geographic coordinates for its center. As for Mexico, the
following zones are defined:

MX      +1924-09909     America/Mexico_City     Central Time - most locations
MX      +2105-08646     America/Cancun  Central Time - Quintana Roo
MX      +2058-08937     America/Merida  Central Time - Campeche, Yucatan
MX      +2540-10019     America/Monterrey       Central Time - Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas
MX      +2313-10625     America/Mazatlan        Mountain Time - S Baja, Nayarit, Sinaloa
MX      +2838-10605     America/Chihuahua       Mountain Time - Chihuahua
MX      +2904-11058     America/Hermosillo      Mountain Standard Time - Sonora
MX      +3232-11701     America/Tijuana Pacific Time

We do not have different timezones for each of those areas, but they
roughly (even politically) define our country, and were a region of
Mexico to change timezone, it would probably be reflected by this

I think we could even do away with the %lang_map declaration in
locale-config-skolelinux file conffiles.d/timezone - This is a hash
based on the name of the locale. The locale, in my case, is es_MX - a
simple regex would do:

$lang =~ /^([a-z]{2})           # language code
           _([A-Z]{2})          # country code
           (?:\.([A-Z0-9\-]+))? # optional charset
           (?:@(.+))?/x;        # optional extra information

This was able to parse for me every locale specified in
/etc/locale.gen and (adding at the beginning '(\S+)\s+' for the
language name) also in /etc/locale.alias - We can infer from our
chosen locale and libc6's /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab all the needed
information for finding out the corresponding timezones. 

Like it? :-)

Now, as a final note: There are many overlapping definitions, at least
for my country - The more traditional timezones. Until a couple of
years ago, in every Unix system I had used, I knew I lived in
Mexico/General. We have also Mexico/BajaNorte and Mexico/BajaSur. I
would prefer using the newer timezones as defied in the zone.tab file,
but we can/should still support the older scheme (although not suggest
it in an automatic way, perhaps).



[1] ISO 639 Language Codes

Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.cx - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
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