hello, i hope this is not already discussed (a short google-search found nothing). if it is so, please ignore this mail. i made this proposal in an bugreport (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=217520), but was "a little bit" offtopic: I have installed in the last week debian for two newbies, and all are a little bit confused about this thousands of different progs (in 3!!! different menus), that do the same thing. The Gnome "Internet" menu for examples is a mess. Mozilla, Mozilla Firebird, Mozilla Editor, Web Browser .... XD2 does it much better with its ">>>More" submenu. Debian has with update-alternatives an nice system for handling this problem, why not make the menu based (or at least make the menu use it) on this? Unselected browsers, editors, instant-messanger... in more, selected in main (i am quite sure, i am not the first person with this idea, so maybe it is not trivial to implement) Applications -> Internet -> Instant Messanger Web Browser Email Irc Newsreader >>> More -> Mozilla Firebird Mozilla Konqueror ... -> Editors -> Text Editor HTML Editor Word Processor Latex Editor >> More -> Gedit Kate Abiword Emacs Kwrite Nano -> Multimedia -> CD Player Video Player Music Player Volume-Control >> More -> Xmms aviplay xine .. ---markus
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