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Re: Where are we now? (Was: Bits from the RM)

On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 06:45, Steve Langasek wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 05:57:58AM +0100, Scott James Remnant wrote:
> > > 	* September 1st
> > > 		HOWTO use debian-installer to install sarge posted to
> > > 		-devel-announce (volunteers appreciated)
> > Ah yes, what a wonderful read that was ... no, wait, this never
> > happened.
> Message-ID: <20030915145334.26682.qmail@mx.mmweg.rwth-aachen.de>
Ya know, I grepped high and low for this just in case I missed it, and
couldn't find it.  And yet, there is it, and it's in my debian mailbox

I'll have to put that down to writing things like this at 6am.

> It's been noted several times that the end of the 0-day NMU period was
> accompanied by a marked reversal in the RC bug graph.  I think it's time
> for a group debriefing of this experience.  I was pleasantly surprised
> to have not heard of a single complaint about bad NMUs during this
> period, either personally in response to my own NMUs or on the lists.
> I found it helped me work more efficiently on packages that needed
> attention, and I know it would speed things up while trying to push
> large clots of packages into testing at once!  As a result, I think we
> should seriously consider retaining this 0-day policy for the remainder
> of the present release cycle, even if only for RC bugs; it could give us
> the extra boost we need to catch up on our RC list.
D'oh ... the entire reason for me writing that mail was because I
noticed the "end of NMUfest debrief" hadn't happened and I forgot to
mention it!

> Does anyone have a different reaction to the 0-day NMU experiment?
> Looking at the graphs, I know I'm not the only one who took advantage of
> it.
Nobody NMUd any of my difficult bugs *wail!* does that count as a
negative reaction? :o)

Seriously, I found that the whole thing worked rather well -- reopening
it again might be just the thing we need to push that bug list graph
downwards again.

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen?  Are you going round the twist?

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