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Re: Bits from the BTS


Am Do, 2003-09-18 um 14.09 schrieb Martin Quinson:
> Cool ! Could this be abused to subscribe to bugs? I mean, is it possible to
> have more than one owner to a given bug? 
> I'd like to subscribe to, say, all l10n bug of dpkg, since I already started
> to help them find a solution by contacting the relevant l10n ML and so on,
> and now, I'd like to know what happen to them. But I cannot claim I'll fix
> the japanese gramatical issues, for example. 
> Is "owner" done for the use I plan, or should I refrain myself and wait for
> a "subscriber" or "fellow" or whatever which would have the same syntax than
> "tag" (with + implied and - possible) ?

I created a subscription feature for the BTS during debcamp, but it
still need deep review by the BTS maintainers, which is going to happen
after the sarge release. Additionally, I will have to go over it again
and make it work with the new status file format. Maybe I could document
it somewhere, so that others can comment it.

It is more sophisticated t that having a tag-like fellow thing in the
way that it requires confirmation.


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
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